Fostering a Pet

Love the company of a pet but not yet ready to commit?
Posh Pets Rescue is always looking for loving homes to foster our pets while permanent homes are being sought. Providing a safe haven for our rescues enables us to save many more animals and is a vital part of our success. If you would like to be a part of our rescue efforts and are interested in short term fostering, please contact us.

Fostering FAQ

What does it mean to “foster”?

A foster home is a home like yours that provides temporary shelter, care and love for pets while they are awaiting placement in a their “forever” homes. Foster pets are much more likely to have successful life-long placements in new homes when they come from a loving foster home, than when they come directly from the shelter. You will have your foster dog/cat until he/she gets new, adoptive parents.

What makes a good foster home?

If you’ve had some experience with dogs/cats before, have a basic understanding of their needs, and a touch of common sense, you’re a good foster candidate! Our animals are looking for a little love, walks, meals, and a safe haven. If you think you can give this to an animal, but may not yet be ready to commit to adopting one yourself, you should consider fostering.

Who pays for expenses?

Posh Pets Rescue will pay the expenses of veterinary care. Vet visits do first need approval by us.

Can I choose what kind of dog/cat I get?

On the foster application, you can tell us what kind of dog/cat would work best for you, and what kind of dogs/cats you’re willing to take on. Giving us a range is best – specify size, age, allergy requirements, or any other relevant details.

We are especially in need of foster homes for bigger dogs, so if this is a possibility for you, please consider doing so.

What if it doesn’t work out?

If there is a problem with your placement, we will move the foster animal in a timely fashion and we will exchange an animal with you that is more compatible.

How long will I have my foster?

It varies. Younger, smaller dogs/cats get adopted quickly – from just a few days to a few weeks. Larger dogs/cats and older dogs usually take up to 2-3 months.

Can I foster more than one?

Sure – first start with one, and when you’re sure you can handle it, we’ll be happy to hand over a second (or third!)

As a foster, how am I involved in the adoption process?

When Posh Pets receives an application for your dog/cat, we will then contact you so that you are aware an applicant will be calling to set up a viewing time to meet the dog (at your convenience). Some people may want to bring their other dogs to see if they get along with the foster pup. Posh Pets then relies on our fosters to provide feedback about the applicant they have met – to help determine if he or she could be the right home for your foster pet. Sometimes many applicants will come to see your foster pup, and you may be asked to recommend which one you think might be the best home.

If my foster gets adopted, can I get updates on him/her?

Yes. We try to keep the foster involved as much as possible, even after a successful adoption. Often you’ll get emails and pictures from your foster’s new parents.

But I’m afraid I’ll get too attached…

All fosters go through this. You can reassure yourself by knowing that the dog/cat is going to a good home, and that you are now free to save another lucky animal.

What if I fall in love with a dog and want to keep my foster pet?

You are welcome to apply and go through the adoption application process. In the interest of fairness you’ll be treated as any other applicant. Posh Pets may decide that you’re not the right fit for a permanent home for that particular dog/cat. It’s a case-by-case decision.

Please complete our FOSTER APPLICATION if you wish to  foster an animal